
Monday, 27 January 2014

Stop and Smell the Coffee

"Coffee is a language in itself."

Jackie Chan

We all got very excited when our new coffee machine arrived in the executive centre - real coffee at last.  Of course we still have filtered coffee for those who prefer it but now we can have a real cup of coffee when we want, with a little kick in it.

Some Interesting Facts about Coffee:

100 cups of coffee is considered the lethal dose! However French philosopher Voltaire apparently drank 50 cups a day!

The Italian government regulates Espresso because it is believed to be an essential part of Italian daily life!

Espresso and your diet: brewed espresso contains 2.5% fat while filtered coffee only has 0.6% (but which tastes better?)

In Italy the average age of a Barista is 48 – and it is a very respected profession.

Coffee is the second most sold commodity in the world (Oil is first).

Dark roasted coffee beans contain less caffeine than the light roasted beans.

Approximately 2 billion cups of coffee are drunk each day in the world.

In the UK (with a population of approx 63 million) the British drink 165 million cups of tea daily or 60.2 billion per year whereas the number of cups of coffee drunk each day is estimated at 70 million. (So we are still a nation of tea drinkers but coffee is gaining in popularity fast!)

Happy people!

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