
Monday, 17 March 2014

Cake and Book Sale - in Aid of International Women's Day

Our lovely teachers and students have made us so proud!  One of our teachers,  Becky Elliot, suggested we had a cake sale in aid of charity.  It was decided to organise it to coincide with International Women's Day.  As we also had a lot of books not being used it was decided to add these into the mix and have a book sale.
Very generously, lots of our teachers spent the previous evening baking their cakes and then brought them in for the sale.  As you can see from the pictures, a lot of fun and some delicious goodies were had by all.  So far £261 has been raised, with more money coming in all the time.

Becky (the organiser) and Jenni

Nicky P

Andrew (the principal) with his lollipop ;-)


with music to accompany the sale!

Angela (marketing) getting very excited!

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