
Thursday, 2 June 2016

Our Brand New Executive Centre Lounge - Revamped

The Face lift!

Our stunning new Business Centre Lounge - note the unusual lights! - designed by Steve Fury and hand crafted by Mark Hendry.

We decided to start the new year with a big bang and to completely update our Executive lounge. Since January we have been updating, or rather giving a complete makeover to our executive centre lounge.  Below you can see the whole process. So now our students who come to learn Executive English in Portsmouth can do it in style!

The Before Pictures:


Work started

Work started

The During the Process Pictures: 
With our extraordinarily talented builders Mark (Hendry) and Rick (Elliot) - who also made the front of the building the beautiful feature that it is!

The boys at work.



Some More 'Reveal' Pictures of our Executive English Centre Lounge.

Charlies Angels anyone ;-)

We have to give credit to:

Steve Fury for the scoping and design concept

Richard Jones  for the furniture:

Mark Hendry and Rick Elliot for all the building work and amazing lights.

Adam Travers and Terry Thorne for all the fiddly bits (and doing the electrics and organising the external contractors).

So a massive thank you to; Steve, Richard, Mark and Rick, Adam and Terry who all helped to create the whole look and transform the whole area – many thanks to all of them from LSI for doing such an amazing job!


  1. Wow, the difference is amazing!!! Very impressive

  2. What an improvement! Looks amazing, well done everyone at LSI! I will be back to see for myself.

  3. Wow!Very modern, I like it!

  4. It's look lovly i like it


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