
Thursday, 7 September 2017

Hello and Goodbye - Sad to say goodbye to our leavers, happy to say hello to our newbies

Being in a language school means we get to say hello and goodbye to a lot of people, not just students but teachers and staff too.
Some of our lovely teachers have left recently to go to new opportunities or return home and a couple are going in the next week or so. Last week we said goodbye to our very helpful and always smiling Alex the Intern from Germany. goodbye also to the lovely Kate who has gone off to study for her Ph.D. at Cardiff, and tomorrow a sad good bye to the adorable Matt who is going back to Spain, and then next week the gorgeous Eoin is going off to study an MA at Sussex University - sob sob from all of us, we will really miss them, they have been part of the fabric of the school.

And so to the good news, we have three lovely new members of staff that we want to welcome to the school; Louise and Rhiannon who are both teachers and Sissi who is our newest intern, massive welcome to them - we know they will be very happy - cos they will be working with us ;-)

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